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Meet Jade VanDerBeek

Meet Jade VanDerBeek

Hello everyone, Jade here! I am excited and honored to introduce myself as the Executive Assistant at Friends of the Amargosa Basin in Shoshone, CA. Having lived in Pahrump, in the heart of the Nevada desert for the past 20 years, I've developed a deep appreciation...

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Spring Brook Winter Restoration

Spring Brook Winter Restoration

Work in the vicinity of the Shoshone wetlands and the Spring brook that runs through them resumed on October 17, 2023, when Cameron Mayer with Friends of the Amargosa helped Christiana Manville of the U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service (USFWS) monitor the plants that...

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Expansion of Two National Monuments in California

For Immediate Release May 2, 2024Contact:  Cameron Mayer, Executive Director,                  Friends of the Amargosa Basin                 (562) 233-7874   Friends of the Amargosa Basin applaud Biden Administration’s Expansion of two Cherished National...

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Meet Cameron Mayer

Meet Cameron Mayer

Hi! I am the Program Director for Friends of the Amargosa Basin, and I live and work in Shoshone, California, a stone’s throw away from Nevada. I aspire to be a lifelong desert enthusiast, advocating tirelessly for the health and vibrancy of desert lands and critters...

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Meet Len Warren

Meet Len Warren

Greetings! I’m Len Warren. I live much of each year in Shoshone, California. I have been studying birds along the Amargosa River for fourteen years. Some people call me “The Birdman of the Amargosa”. I’m proud to be a board member for Friends of the Amargosa Basin....

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Darrel Cowan: Reaching out to non-geologists

Darrel Cowan: Reaching out to non-geologists

I'm Darrel Cowan. In addition to being a geologist and emeritus professor of Earth & Space Sciences at the University of Washington in Seattle, I also have the pleasure of serving on the Friends of the Amargosa Basin Board of Directors. I want to share with you...

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Meet Janet Foley

Meet Janet Foley

Hi! My name is Janet Foley, I’m at the School of Veterinary Medicine at UC Davis, and I’m a member of the Board of Directors for the Friends of the Amargosa Basin. I wanted to introduce myself and my work to you and share my excitement for creating the US’ newest...

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